Rack PDU Blog

data-centers-and-alternative-energy-when-can-we-run-solely-on-reusable-energy - https://cdn.buttercms.com/K5CSWftiSeUmHY1BTU4x

Data Centers and Alternative Energy: When Can We Run Solely on Renewable Energy?

RJ Tee
September 15, 2021

A Server Technology article highlighting recent advancements by two data center organizations in the European Union towards a day when data centers can run solely on renewable energy.

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The Shape of the Post-Pandemic Data-Center Industry

RJ Tee
August 27, 2021

In an industry dominated by computers and technology, this blog from Server Technology highlights the role that people have played in helping us ride out the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Academic Supercomputing at Research I Institutions

RJ Tee
August 11, 2021

New from Server Technology, this blog introduces a 4-part series into High Performance Computing and explores the most commonly specified features for rack PDUs used in support of Research I academic institutions.

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Now Trending in the World of IoT

RJ Tee
July 21, 2021

This blog from Server Technology provides an update from Marc Cram and 451 Research on the evolving internet of things (IoT) marketplace.

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Data Center Trend to Watch: High Performance Computing to Reach Exascale This Year

RJ Tee
June 10, 2021

High performance computing (HPC) impacts our daily lives. Scientists can conduct research to develop new medicine, fight climate change, and invent new materials like longer-lasting batteries for electric cars. Every industry can take advantage of it, from financial companies fighting fraud to oil companies discovering oil. This year, HPC is expected to reach new heights with the launch of the first exascale supercomputer.

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A Word from Legrand about Security

RJ Tee
May 04, 2021

Comprehensive data center security includes internal networks. This article discusses recent high-profile security breaches and its approach to securing intelligent rack PDUs.

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Flexible Solutions for 5G Technology

RJ Tee
April 22, 2021

Next in the series that tackles the convergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI): Smart Cities, IoT, and 5G at the Edge.

cloud-adoption-grows-but-on-premise-data-centers-still-dominate - https://cdn.buttercms.com/xnTUIP6gRKC4MKRCCs2Q

Cloud Adoption Grows, But On-Premise Data Centers Still Dominate

RJ Tee
April 05, 2021

Cloud adoption is accelerating, but enterprises predominantly will rely on in-house data centers and other on-premise infrastructure for the next two years, a recent study shows.

why-pue-level-3-monitoring-is-within-reach - https://cdn.buttercms.com/QeBhmHJ4SnSQSa4Zq76l

Why PUE Level 3 Monitoring is Within Reach

RJ Tee
March 24, 2021

There is more to improving your PUE than you might think. This blog from Server Technology discusses some efficiency pitfalls and how to avoid them while achieving Level 3 PUE tracking.

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data-center-staffing-shortage-will-worsen-but-heres-how-you-can-overcome-it - https://cdn.buttercms.com/9PAhzNbWTDmf8Clsv6iZ

Data Center Staffing Shortage Will Worsen, But Here’s How You Can Overcome It

RJ Tee
March 09, 2021

Surging demand for data center capacity has forced more data centers to be built, creating a shortage of data center staff. This blog recaps a new study describing how to alleviate the shortage.