Three Questions for Your Edge Application

Marc Cram
April 19, 2017

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Your centralized hyperscale data center is up and running in a stable fashion. Now the software team has come up with applications that are so bandwidth intensive that you are going to have to do some extensive pre-processing in every major locale to reduce network traffic and latency times. Sounds like some form of edge computing is needed, whether that is edge, mobile edge or even fog computing.  And wherever distributed/edge computing is called for, intelligent remote power management is a requisite. 

Here are three questions that should accompany every edge computing deployment:

  • How are you going to avoid a truck roll when hardware is locked up?
  • How are you going to know if you are consuming more power in one location than is typical?
  • How are you going to know if the site is having a thermal issue?
Living on the Edge? You Need Remote Power Management