Three ways to be a better leader in your data center

RJ Tee
March 30, 2015

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Look at you: You’re the head honcho of your data center—the one that everyone looks to for advice about how to keep your facility running at peak performance. Without you, your data center would be a giant mess of critical error messages and tangled wires. There’s always room to improve your game, though, and increase your value to your organization. Here are three ways that you can streamline your data center and experience even better results:

Increase network transparency: Your goal should be to make your IT department the most informed branch in the entire enterprise. The best way to do this is by providing each worker with direct access to critical performance metrics. If an employee from another department asks a question related to data center power or server performance, the correct answer should be on the tips of your workers’ tongues—and they should be able to verify their answers using real-time usage information over a smartphone or tablet.

Reduce excess hardware: Make it a personal challenge to ensure that every network device in your data center—from your servers to your switches—is being used in the most efficient way possible. You need to know exactly which machines are idling, which machines are maxed out, and which machines are ready for retirement. Keep your data center fresh, and you will reduce downtime and save precious dollars in the process. Update your old PDUs with custom HDOT PDU.

Get rid of clutter: Space is a valuable commodity in your overcrowded data center. Yet a good deal of floor and wall space is being taken up by messy cables. Take a look around your facility for problem areas that can be consolidated and organized, thus allowing you to fill the space with extra equipment.

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