HDOT Cx in the Realm of Great Ideas: Part 1
RJ Tee
September 17, 2018
- Categories:
- Server Technology
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While the Server Technology engineers here in Reno are a little more on the ball than Frank and Earnest, the newly launched power distribution unit we’ve dubbed ‘HDOT Cx’ could arguably be a turning point in network PDU history.
Frank: This claim about the HDOT Cx, it is bold.
Earnest: Sí, señor.
To start our three part series about great ideas, it is only fair to introduce you first to the new
HDOT Cx, meet the reader. Reader, meet the new HDOT Cx:
- The Cx outlet is a hybrid device that can function as either a C13 or a C19 outlet. With no additional parts, you can plug in a C14 or C20 cord into one outlet.
- This innovative design reduces complexity within the selection process. It limits the need to purchase a new set of PDUs when equipment changes, resulting in lower end costs
- HDOT Cx PDUs still have all the great features of previous HDOT PDUs. With the most outlets per form factor, easy load balancing, and the ability to customize, you can configure the PDU of your choice in only four easy steps
Now, tell me that’s not a great idea! If you are not creeped out by the term ‘HDOT Cx’, check out the newly-released solution video and see why Server Technology is the home of award-winning density solutions. At Server Technology, we create great ideas to help our customers Stay Powered, Be Supported and Get Ahead.
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